Kategorie: Messen

Montag 23 Oktober 2023
Die International Fastener Expo 2023
Die International Fastener Expo 2023 ist gerade zu Ende gegangen. Es war die erste nach der Corona-Zeit und wir sind im Großen und Ganzen zufrieden.
Viele Menschen kamen auch deshalb zu unserem Stand, weil sie davon beeindruckt waren.
Wir hatten die Gelegenheit, unsere amerikanischen Kunden zu tr...

Donnerstag 14 September 2023
Internationale Messe für Verbindungselemente Las Vegas
Am 10. und 11. Oktober 2023 werden wir an der Verbindungsmesse teilnehmen, die in Las Vegas im Mandala Bay Convention Center stattfinden wird. Wir werden am Stand Nr. 936 sein. Für uns wird das die elfte Ausgabe sein, die erste nach der Corona-Zeit.
Es war schon immer ein wichtiger Moment, in de...

Montag 27 März 2023
Fastener Fair Global 2023
Beneri SpA : New interesting contacts with whom We intend to work closely to reach new markets
Ronny Limonta, Management assistant of the Beneri SpA in Italy, tells us that : " Beneri took part in the Fastener Fair Global 2023 as exhibitor together with our official distributor in Germany, Al...

Freitag 02 Dezember 2022
Fastener Fair Italy 2022
Fastener Fair Italy 2022, the largest Italian event for screws, bolts and fasteners, has just closed its doors.
With over 200 Italian and international exhibitors, this event represents a unique showcase and meeting point for commercial activities in one of the main European industrial economies.

Freitag 17 Juli 2020
IFE 2020, Las Vegas: the event has been cancelled
The International Fastener Expo (IFE), the American leading event in the world of Fasteners, has been cancelled due to Covid-19 emergency.
The organizer Emeral Expo is advising exhibitors and visitors about this hard decision, taken after careful evaluations and constant monitoring on the trend o...

Dienstag 01 Oktober 2019
BENERI celebrates 10 years of IFE in Las Vegas
We certainly could not miss the annual appointment with the International Fastener Expo (IFE) in Las Vegas, the North America reference event dedicated to the world of FASTENERS, which this year was planned for September 16-19.
The 2019 edition has been a special event for BENERI, having celebrat...